Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Am Not Sure

Mathematics and Science will be taught in Bahasa Malaysia from 2012......(The Star, 9-7-2009). Any comment? Have you read what I wrote in the article titled Burning One's Bridges on Sunday, March 8, 2009? We are marching again. Where to? This time....... I am not sure.............

My son asked me : "Papa, you wrote the Physics text book in BM. When they changed to the English medium, you wrote the Physics text book in English. Are you going to write again the Physics text book in BM?" This time..... I am not sure..............

My friends asked me why the sudden decision despite the earlier facts and statistics that supposed to show success in PPSMI? I am not sure......

I am looking for more reasoning and justifications to be able explain to friends, parents and relatives who usually seek my opinion and guidance concerning PPSMI. Until I have enough convincing justification, I probably will just say "I am not sure....". Very soon, I hope, I will be confident and sure enough to give a very convincing explanation to lessen their worry and fear.


hkyew said...

unbelievably...... well, i'm speechless(in a breathtakingly BAD way)

Anonymous said...

Mr Yew,
You wrote the physics text books in BM and then in English. Now of course you will be writing again in BM because there will be changes in the syllabus. So why worry, every time there is a change, you make money ma!!