Saturday, May 18, 2013


Spice of life....
Once a while we will come across a pompous, snobbish and self-righteous soul that makes us angry, confused and even be sympathetic all at the same time due to the uncontrollable events unleashed following his or her egoistic, puffed-up self-satisfied (syiok sendiri) outbursts. Such a person lives under the self-contained delusion of vainglory until he or she suddenly wakes up to the world of reality. By then it may be too late. Such a person stands up among the crowd due to his or her hunger to impress others especially his or her superiors and hardly miss the opportunity to exhibit his or her eloquence with words and holier-than-thou thoughts, comments, advices or whatever as long as these words sound fluent, emotive and loud. Unfortunately, more frequent than not, these sentences lack coherence and vague and their contexts irrelevant. Usually in a haste to impress coupled with the mindless and stuck-up superiority complex especially in front of the captive audience, his or her mouth shoots words faster than the brain capable of processing. Under the self-deluded belief of being authoritative and knowledgeable the words used invariably cause hurt and insult. The result usually is what they fear most. .. the exact opposite of what they crave for. ..fame...power....recognition. Such pitiful soul may end up being a neurotic 'knocked-out'. Literally knocked out by the society. Even friends and associates try fervently to dissociate themselves from such a person. I would like to suggest a term for such a person: 'Smug 1 Neurotic Knocked-out'. May we just simply call this person S1NK (or easier just pronounce 'sink'). I think it is rather appropriate because you will not find this person floating or swimming for at least quite a while in the near future.
 Photo: Spice of life....
Once a while we will come across a pompous, snobbish and self-righteous soul that makes us angry, confused and even be sympathetic all at the same time due to the uncontrollable events unleashed following his or her egoistic, puffed-up self-satisfied (syiok sendiri) outbursts. Such a person lives under the self-contained delusion of vainglory until he or she suddenly wakes up to the world of reality. By then it may be too late. Such a person stands up among the crowd due to his or her hunger to impress others especially his or her superiors and hardly miss the opportunity to exhibit his or her eloquence with words and holier-than-thou thoughts, comments, advices or whatever as long as these words sound fluent, emotive and loud. Unfortunately, more frequent than not, these sentences lack coherence and vague and their contexts irrelevant. Usually in a haste to impress coupled with the mindless and stuck-up superiority complex especially in front of the captive audience, his or her mouth shoots words faster than the brain capable of processing. Under the self-deluded belief of being authoritative and knowledgeable the words used invariably cause hurt and insult. The result usually is what they fear most. .. the exact opposite of what they crave for. ..fame...power....recognition. Such pitiful soul may end up being a neurotic 'knocked-out'. Literally knocked out by the society. Even friends and associates try fervently to dissociate themselves from such a person. I would like to suggest a term for such a person: 'Smug 1 Neurotic Knocked-out'. May we just simply call this person S1NK (or easier just pronounce 'sink'). I think it is rather appropriate because you will not find this person floating or swimming for at least quite a while in the near future.

Refleksi Jumaat

Photo: Refleksi Jumaat

Saturday thought.... Pictorially

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

BUBAR! Siri 22

4/5/13 (Sabtu)

Mulai 3 April, sempena dengan pembubaran Parlimen Malaysia serta Dewan Undangan Negeri kecuali Sarawak, saya telah melukis satu siri kartun berkenaan Pilihan Raya Malaysia ke-13, untuk membangkitkan beberapa isu 'remek' dari perspektif rakyat. Di sebalik lawak jenaka, kartun yang tak berstandard kartun dan sajak yang tak macam sajak itu ialah perkara-perkara untuk direnungi bersama dengan lebih mendalam lagi. Hari esok, 5 Mei, ialah hari membuang undi. Dengan ini saya pun tamatkan siri ini dengan kartun yang terakhir berikut. Semoga rakan-rakan yang membaca posting saya terhibur di samping dicetuskan pemikiran yang lebih lanjut lagi. Terima kasih atas segala sokongan. Jutaan maaf jika tersentuh hati tanpa kesedaran saya. Selepas ini saya akan buat posting isu-isu lain dan terus melukis kerana saya sedang mempromosikan satu kaedah penyampaian maklumat yang dipanggil GRAPHIC FACILITATION yang mungkin akan menjadi bidang baru saya tidak lama lagi. Terima kasih.