Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Illustration And Teaching (2)

Whenever I try to promote the usage of illustration in teaching, there will be some teachers who say that they are not good at drawing. Actually, while ability to draw well certainly helps, it is not a prerequisite. In fact sometimes, a not-so-well drawn illustration adds more fun to the lesson. Let's take another look at the illustration in the article 'Science Around Us (5)' and also the article 'Illustration And Teaching (1)'. Make a comparison with the illustration in this article. It does not matter whether you draw the first drawing or the second drawing or the third drawing. You still can convey the message in an interesting way. In fact I think the third drawing adds more fun to the lesson. So, teacher, do not underestimate yourself, break the barrier that you have set up over the years, I am sure when you do so, you will start to enjoy teaching using the illustration method.


ahlai said...

Ya. I totally agree with that. Now I also trying to using the illustration method although my drawing is not good. But I am so surprised that when I collect students' notes for checking purpose, I found that many of them are creative and talent in drawing. This is a good way to for them to understand some abstract idea. But I face a problem too. I found that when I given the notes in graphic, students are difficult to interpret them back to "sentences" form.Although they understand the idea but they cannot write it out. This is the problem I meet.

hkyew said...

hey lai, how are you doing? it's been a long time since i saw you. nice to see you here. i think you will be one heck of a great teacher.

Thinking Allowed said...

It will take some practices to achieve a good balance between illustration and writing sentences. I would like to suggest helping the students to identify the key words first, then link them to form a sentence. Of course we must also understand that some students cannot write good sentences because of their poor command of the language. Whatever it is, practice makes perfect.

Anonymous said...

Itu sikap sesetengah guru kita cuba beri alasan tanpa mahu mencuba.bagi mereka itu jalan paling selamat . Jangan membuat perubahan guna cara lama beri alasan saya tak cekap, tak pandai saya malu saya tak ada kepakaran tunggu dan lihat apa orang alin buat. Ada peluang undur diri. Pengurus sekolah kenal pasti guru-guru sedemikian beri ada tugasan dan beri bimbingan . saya percaya hasilnya sangat baik. Kalau tak percaya cuba pasti hasil yang baik.

Thinking Allowed said...

Terima kasih 'anonymous'. Nampaknya saya ada penyokong. Harap lebih ramai guru cuba pelbagai cara, 'think out of the box'... Kalau guru sains cuba kaedah ilustrasi, saya fikir masalah PPSMI tak akan seserius macam sekarang. Pembaca boleh tak setuju kerana ini hanya persepsi saya. Saya cuma nasihatkan 'no venture, no gain'...'tak cuba, tak cinta'... 'tak kenal, tak cinta'.... Saya masih ingat sebuah lagu cinta: '....Jangan tunggu lama-lama... nanti diambil orang...' Dalam konteks PPSMI, jangan tunggu lama-lama...nanti BISP diambil orang!