Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Plant

I have a potted plant on top of the mini cupboard where my family members and I keep our shoes. When my wife bought it and placed there a few years ago, it was a very small plant with only three tiny stalks. Over the years, without fail, every time when I sit near the plant to wear my shoes and I will take a careful look at it. The plant has grown much bigger now, with its shinny dark green leaves and stalks and near perfect geometrical shape of each of its leaves .

However, when I sat at that usual place to admire the plant after an evening jog today, a profound thought came to my mind. The fact that over the years, it has grown from a small, wilted plant with only a few leaves to a strong, healthy and beautiful plant is due to with proper and consistent care from us. Perhaps it is also due to our belief and confidence that it would grow well despite being given all sort of free advices, ranging from transferring it to somewhere directly under the sunlight to changing to a more suitable pot to watering more frequently and so on. If we have been too fickle minded, changing to a new pot and later perhaps to change back, brought the plant out to be directly under the sunshine and perhaps later to bring it back under the porch, I think we might have caused more harm than to help the plant grow.

If you wonder why such a thought suddenly came to my mind, I can only hint to you that it came about when I recalled reading the huge headline of a major newspaper this morning. My apology to readers who may not be able to make out what I am trying to say.


hkyew said...

wow, i almost forgotten what it used to look like. hope i'll be back soon to check it out

hsienyun said...

It is still the same as i m taking care of it...haha