Saturday, May 24, 2008

Science Work Sheet (1)

A few science teachers asked me to give examples on how to relate daily experiences to the science lessons. I will share with you one example that I have written earlier. Actually it is in the form of a lesson plan accompanied by a work sheet to promote active learning by the students. The work sheet is a guided exercise for students, with contextual examples with increasing difficulty. I will simplify its format here to be consistent with other articles in this (Thinking Allowed) blog.
Learning Area: Forces and Pressure
Learning Objective: Understanding Pressure
Learning Outcome: A student is able to define pressure and state that P = F/A; describe applications of pressure; solve problems involving pressure.
Prior Knowledge and Skills : Students have ideas about area, force and weight.
Scientific Skills : Observing, inferring and predicting.
Thinking Skills : Attributing, analysing and making conclusions.
Moral and Scientific Value : Realising that science is a means to understand nature; Having critical and analytical thinking.

Work Sheet

1.What causes the thumbtack to be stuck in the wood but not the coin even though the magnitude of the force used is the same?

2.Why is it easier to walk on the field with sport shoes compared with high-heeled shoes?

3.Pressure is defined as force per unit area. The formula for pressure is P = F/A.
(a) What is the S.I. unit for force?
(b) What is the S.I. unit for area?
(c) Deduce the unit for pressure.

4. A block of solid weighs 150 N is placed on the floor. Calculate the pressure exerted by the block on the floor if the surface of the block touching the floor is
(i) X, (ii) Y, (iii) Z.

5. The diagram shows some applications of pressure.
(a) Group them according to:
(i) Decreased surface area to increase the pressure;
(ii) Increased surface area to decrease the pressure.
(b) Give reason to each of your answers.

6. Mat wants to enter a hut. If he walks on the muddy ground, his new shoes will sink into it. Using the concept of pressure, discuss and suggest how Mat can walk without sinking into the ground.

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